I always get emotional around this time of year because it feels like we have grown together so much, and then I have to let you loose upon the world.

Here is a picture of some of my wonderful seniors. My only regret is that I couldn't fit in all of my senior class! I have been at Crete-Monee High School for ten years, and this will be the ninth time I am sending seniors off to their brighter futures. So, when I tell you that it's bittersweet, it is. We've spent a lot of time in this classroom. We watched the seasons change, and with it, I watched you improve your skills and mature. I will miss your unique personalities, vibrant discussions, and good hearts.
I will look back on your desks, even years from now, and remember where you sit. A moment may return to my mind, and I may draw a smile. I can only hope that you make a better life for yourself as you leave the doors of Crete-Monee.
You all have the potential for great things. I have seen it. I watched how strong your writing and reading skills have improved, how some of you have somehow managed to carry a full course load while juggling out-of-school responsibilities. I watched how you can better communicate with your peers, and how your capacity for respect will make you stand out in a world where respect is not cherished as much as it should be.
Yes, I may be holding back tears on graduation day as I see you all get your diplomas because I know that you will not be just walking across a stage, but you will be walking on to the next great big stage of your life. You did it. You are ready, and I couldn't be happier with all of you. Thank you for the last year.
Your teacher,
Mr. Kenealy